viernes, 10 de enero de 2020

What are feelings and emotions?

Feeling refers to both a mood and a conceptualized emotion that determines the mood.

The feeling is the result of emotions. This response is mediated by neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. It is part of the brain dynamics of human beings and other animals, enabling them to react to the events of daily life; When a substance produced in the brain is drained there are many emotions.

Emotions are psychophysiological reactions that represent ways of adapting to certain stimuli of the individual when he perceives an object, person, place, event or important memory. Psychologically, emotions alter attention, raise certain guiding behaviors of individual responses and activate relevant associative networks in memory.1 Feelings are the result of emotions, are more lasting over time and can be verbalized.

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